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all features except strict mode, so loading es5-shim should be close to\n * a no-op but does increase page payload).\n */\nreturn ( function () {\n\t'use strict';\n\treturn !this \u0026\u0026 !!Function.prototype.bind;\n}() );\n" ], [ "dom-level2-shim", "g5InqgD5", [], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for dom-level2-shim module.\n *\n * Tests for window.Node because that's the only thing that this shim is adding.\n */\nreturn !!window.Node;\n" ], [ "oojs", "B/6+1LF3", [ 239, 92 ] ], [ "oojs-ui", "ANreK72l", [ 247, 246, 248 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-core", "eiky5i8C", [ 170, 241, 244 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-core.styles", "hnAquNvB", [ 249, 250, 251 ], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for OOjs UI PHP style modules.\n *\n * The `\u003Cmeta name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\" /\u003E` is added to pages by OutputPage::enableOOUI().\n *\n * Looking for elements in the DOM might be expensive, but it's probably better than double-loading\n * 200 KB of CSS with embedded images because of bug T87871.\n */\nreturn !!jQuery( 'meta[name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\"]' ).length;\n" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles", "DUxhO6+t", [ 249, 250, 251 ], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for OOjs UI PHP style modules.\n *\n * The `\u003Cmeta name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\" /\u003E` is added to pages by OutputPage::enableOOUI().\n *\n * Looking for elements in the DOM might be expensive, but it's probably better than double-loading\n * 200 KB of CSS with embedded images because of bug T87871.\n */\nreturn !!jQuery( 'meta[name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\"]' ).length;\n" ], [ "oojs-ui-widgets", "n7lCcVJC", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-toolbars", "mzS7Mn3V", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-windows", "K8cDNoQ2", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons", "x6BBEFmn" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.indicators", "67Mc1QxV" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.textures", "08U31rNa" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-accessibility", "HAgBKGN0" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-alerts", "O9+VawH/" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-content", "1lGTo/fs" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-advanced", "cbcRb0eI" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-core", "FbtpuJao" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-list", "DxmM6w48" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-styling", "cwwJxJ6N" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions", "XHSDEXzY" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-layout", "+Nqala9U" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-location", "1hQam1WB" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-media", "J+gKRxS0" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-moderation", "DYr7vV8o" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-movement", "6yxgFb50" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-user", "444aC/Dx" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-wikimedia", "/daKhiwb" ], [ "skins.vector.styles", "adP/9cP+" ], [ "skins.vector.styles.responsive", "yteQdlQE" ], [ "skins.vector.js", "Ja2zKsvo", [ 51, 54 ] ], [ "skins.monobook.styles", "eKenkUpI" ], [ "skins.modern", "41bBRpbU" ], [ "skins.cologneblue", "tGBWrJ8T" ], [ "ext.wikihiero", "lvIBQR59" ], [ "ext.wikihiero.Special", "+NCMQz66", [ 48 ] ], [ "ext.wikihiero.visualEditor", "t+PuY9Bd", [ 359 ] ], [ "ext.cite.styles", "jpNxsfyY" ], [ "ext.cite.a11y", "OEhj3L11" ], [ "", "f5vZ2Kdi" ], [ "ext.cite.visualEditor.core", "QCnB0mS+", [ 359 ] ], [ "", "u/psGVor", [ 353 ] ], [ "ext.cite.visualEditor", "j4mlCUHA", [ 278, 279, 280, 366 ] ], [ "ext.visualEditor.mwreference", "ANreK72l", [ 281 ] ], [ "ext.citeThisPage", "ub8vs9yz" ], [ "ext.inputBox.styles", "9Uiag6Lj" ], [ "ext.inputBox", "Tc+93XLt", [ 54 ] ], [ "ext.pygments", "I6y/PQo9" ], [ "ext.geshi.visualEditor", "219s1pHZ", [ 359 ] ], [ "mediawiki.api.titleblacklist", "T9v9Heuv", [ 99 ] ], [ "ext.score.visualEditor", "hKTWjEk5", [ 359 ] ], [ "ext.nuke", "SGsflgp0" ], [ "ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha.styles", "HKPq238h" ], [ "ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptcha", "NekcNHnQ", [ 99 ] ], [ "ext.confirmEdit.fancyCaptchaMobile", "NekcNHnQ", [ 428 ] ], [ "ext.GlobalUserPage", "DTX3yoJ+" ], [ "ext.apifeatureusage", "vkwLVOC/" ], [ "ext.apifeatureusage.htmlform", "xyqbdO52" ], [ "ext.dismissableSiteNotice", "dWCbKlvH", [ 29, 146 ] ], [ "ext.dismissableSiteNotice.styles", "xKhNBLZr" ], [ "ext.wikimediamessages.contactpage.affcomusergroup", "hY3GnJKY" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor", "d9yi1N9w", [ 53, 170 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs", "f1Kp3nuv", [ 51, 63, 305 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config", "4TayS1/7", [ 50, 301, 141, 139, 95 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.preview", "IzHvYXoq", [ 300, 99 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.publish", "wDjQCJ9M", [ 301 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar", "P/mGKv+X", [ 18, 29, 300, 307 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config", "3OQtmAvi", [ 305, 177 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.i18n", "U0wtQ1G1", [], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "ext.wikiEditor", "BV5LmTyS", [ 300, 144 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "ext.wikiEditor.dialogs", "jm5kjrs5", [ 312, 302 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "ext.wikiEditor.preview", "v0O93skb", [ 308, 303 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "ext.wikiEditor.publish", "hV+7wI89", [ 308, 304 ], "ext.wikiEditor" ], [ "ext.wikiEditor.toolbar", "kkwolD6K", [ 308, 306 ], 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[ 135, 227, 229, 333, 241 ] ], [ "mmv.bootstrap.autostart", "i4pFYRmD", [ 713, 331 ] ], [ "mmv.head", "scIpmWRy", [ 144 ] ], [ "ext.popups.core", "SPlFfLp0", [ 135, 143, 99 ] ], [ "ext.popups.targets.desktopTarget", "MVJCfrB9", [ 336, 49 ] ], [ "ext.popups.renderer.desktopRenderer", "eEK1uW9d", [ 334 ] ], [ "Base64.js", "vJrO80M7" ], [ "easy-deflate.core", "wBir/mFE", [ 337 ] ], [ "easy-deflate.deflate", "RmibiCi4", [ 338 ] ], [ "unicodejs", "aVpbRKyY" ], [ "unicodejs.wordbreak", "ANreK72l", [ 340 ] ], [ "papaparse", "mzdn+kbg" ], [ "rangefix", "8/lBuvrk" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.supportCheck", "nt9rQ4TT" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.init", "z1ReW4VF", [ 344, 351, 135, 143, 103, 182, 144 ] ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript", "OJWz0/3Q" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.targetLoader", "mC0zGBK8", [ 351, 99 ] ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopTarget", "Tv2zE52g" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget", "Tgyh7yH4", [ 357, 348, 353, 174 ] ], [ "", "OPVHJhCG" ], [ 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all features except strict mode, so loading es5-shim should be close to\n * a no-op but does increase page payload).\n */\nreturn ( function () {\n\t'use strict';\n\treturn !this \u0026\u0026 !!Function.prototype.bind;\n}() );\n" ], [ "dom-level2-shim", "g5InqgD5", [], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for dom-level2-shim module.\n *\n * Tests for window.Node because that's the only thing that this shim is adding.\n */\nreturn !!window.Node;\n" ], [ "oojs", "B/6+1LF3", [ 239, 92 ] ], [ "oojs-ui", "ANreK72l", [ 247, 246, 248 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-core", "eiky5i8C", [ 170, 241, 244 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-core.styles", "hnAquNvB", [ 249, 250, 251 ], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for OOjs UI PHP style modules.\n *\n * The `\u003Cmeta name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\" /\u003E` is added to pages by OutputPage::enableOOUI().\n *\n * Looking for elements in the DOM might be expensive, but it's probably better than double-loading\n * 200 KB of CSS with embedded images because of bug T87871.\n */\nreturn !!jQuery( 'meta[name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\"]' ).length;\n" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles", "DUxhO6+t", [ 249, 250, 251 ], null, null, "/*!\n * Skip function for OOjs UI PHP style modules.\n *\n * The `\u003Cmeta name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\" /\u003E` is added to pages by OutputPage::enableOOUI().\n *\n * Looking for elements in the DOM might be expensive, but it's probably better than double-loading\n * 200 KB of CSS with embedded images because of bug T87871.\n */\nreturn !!jQuery( 'meta[name=\"X-OOUI-PHP\"]' ).length;\n" ], [ "oojs-ui-widgets", "n7lCcVJC", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-toolbars", "mzS7Mn3V", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui-windows", "K8cDNoQ2", [ 243 ] ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons", "x6BBEFmn" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.indicators", "67Mc1QxV" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.textures", "08U31rNa" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-accessibility", "HAgBKGN0" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-alerts", "O9+VawH/" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-content", "1lGTo/fs" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-advanced", "cbcRb0eI" ], [ "oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-core", 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[ 135, 227, 229, 333, 241 ] ], [ "mmv.bootstrap.autostart", "i4pFYRmD", [ 713, 331 ] ], [ "mmv.head", "scIpmWRy", [ 144 ] ], [ "ext.popups.core", "SPlFfLp0", [ 135, 143, 99 ] ], [ "ext.popups.targets.desktopTarget", "MVJCfrB9", [ 336, 49 ] ], [ "ext.popups.renderer.desktopRenderer", "eEK1uW9d", [ 334 ] ], [ "Base64.js", "vJrO80M7" ], [ "easy-deflate.core", "wBir/mFE", [ 337 ] ], [ "easy-deflate.deflate", "RmibiCi4", [ 338 ] ], [ "unicodejs", "aVpbRKyY" ], [ "unicodejs.wordbreak", "ANreK72l", [ 340 ] ], [ "papaparse", "mzdn+kbg" ], [ "rangefix", "8/lBuvrk" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.supportCheck", "nt9rQ4TT" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.init", "z1ReW4VF", [ 344, 351, 135, 143, 103, 182, 144 ] ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript", "OJWz0/3Q" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.targetLoader", "mC0zGBK8", [ 351, 99 ] ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopTarget", "Tv2zE52g" ], [ "ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget", "Tgyh7yH4", [ 357, 348, 353, 174 ] ], [ "", "OPVHJhCG" ], [ 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